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Samford Rd at Fenwick Park, stop 23/22, Mitchelton timetable

Stop timetable for Sunday 23 March 2025
Click a table row to view map and all stops for the route
Departure timeRoute codeRoute name and direction
9:55 am
Ferny Grove, Ferny Hills, Arana Hills, Grovely, MitcheltonInbound
12:43 pm
Ferny Grove, Ferny Hills, Arana Hills, Grovely, MitcheltonInbound
2:49 pm
Ferny Grove, Ferny Hills, Arana Hills, Grovely, MitcheltonInbound
4:50 pm
Ferny Grove, Ferny Hills, Arana Hills, Grovely, MitcheltonInbound