Departure time | Route code | Route name and direction | |
5:22 am | 196 | Merthyr, Valley, City, Sth Bris, Highgate Hill, FairfieldWest | |
5:37 am | 196 | Merthyr, Valley, City, Sth Bris, Highgate Hill, FairfieldWest | |
5:52 am | 196 | Merthyr, Valley, City, Sth Bris, Highgate Hill, FairfieldWest | |
6:07 am | 196 | Merthyr, Valley, City, Sth Bris, Highgate Hill, FairfieldWest | |
6:22 am | 196 | Merthyr, Valley, City, Sth Bris, Highgate Hill, FairfieldWest | |
6:37 am | 196 | Merthyr, Valley, City, Sth Bris, Highgate Hill, FairfieldWest | |
6:52 am | 196 | Merthyr, Valley, City, Sth Bris, Highgate Hill, FairfieldWest | |
7:03 am | 196 | Merthyr, Valley, City, Sth Bris, Highgate Hill, FairfieldWest | |
7:12 am | 196 | Merthyr, Valley, City, Sth Bris, Highgate Hill, FairfieldWest | |
7:23 am | 930 | New Farm to Brisbane GrammarInbound | |
7:23 am | 196 | Merthyr, Valley, City, Sth Bris, Highgate Hill, FairfieldWest | |