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Queen St near Ulm St, Caloundra

Services departing in the next 90mins from Queen St near Ulm St, Caloundra
8:22 am
Route 5504Inbound
Coloundra, Caloundra High
8:22 am
Route 5505Inbound
Kawana, Talara SS, Caloundra High
8:22 am
Route 5501Inbound
Little Mountain to Caloundra High
8:22 am
Route 5502Inbound
Bellvista to Caloundra High
8:22 am
Route 5503Inbound
Banya/Baringa to Our Lady of Rosary Primary
50 min
Caloundra, Aroona, Currimundi, Little Mountain
9:14 am
Caloundra, Currimundi, Kawana, Mountain Creek, Maroochydore
View full timetable

Stop information

Stop Id





Queen St near Ulm St, Caloundra

Routes servicing this stop today