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Yamanto Shopping Centre, Yamanto

Services departing in the next 90mins from Yamanto Shopping Centre, Yamanto
20 min
Route 515Inbound
Brassall, Riverlink, Ipswich, Churchill, Yamanto
3:40 pm
Route 6265Outbound
Ripley Valley Schools and Deebing Heights

Drop-off only

3:50 pm
Route 6217Outbound
St Marys, St Edmonds, Bremer, Churchill, Amberley

Drop-off only

4:11 pm
Route 6215Outbound
Bremer, Churchill, Blair, Ipswich, Willowbank

Drop-off only

4:16 pm
Route 6245Outbound
Bundamba College, Silkstone, Bremer

Drop-off only

4:25 pm
Route 515Inbound
Brassall, Riverlink, Ipswich, Churchill, Yamanto
4:27 pm
Springfield, Ripley Valley, Yamanto
View full timetable

Stop information

Stop Id





Yamanto Shopping Centre, Yamanto

Routes servicing this stop today