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Redland Bay Marina

Services departing in the next 90mins from Redland Bay Marina
SMBI ferryClockwise
All stops to Russell Island express to Redland Bay

Drop-off only

SMBI ferryClockwise
All stops to Russell Island express to Redland Bay

Drop-off only

7:40 am
Route 272Outbound
Redland Hospital, Thornlands, Vic Pt, Redland Bay Marina

Drop-off only

7:49 am
Route 5055Inbound
Redland Bay Primary, Victoria Pt SHS
11 min
SMBI ferryCounterclockwise
Russell Island all stops to Redland Bay
11 min
Route 250Outbound
Carindale,Capalaba,Cleveland Victoria Pt,Redland Bay

Drop-off only

12 min
Route 250Inbound
Redland Bay,Victoria Pt,Cleveland,Capalaba,Carindale
7:51 am
SMBI ferryCounterclockwise
Russell Island all stops to Redland Bay

Drop-off only

7:55 am
SMBI ferryCounterclockwise
Russell Island all stops to Redland Bay
7:55 am
Route 5046Inbound
Victoria Point, Calvary, Kimberley, Carbrook, Chisholm
7:55 am
Route 5155Inbound
Redland Bay Marina, Victoria Point High
7:55 am
Route 5119Inbound
Redland Bay & Victoria Point Schools
7:55 am
Route 5051Inbound
Redland Bay, Victoria Point, Cleveland
7:57 am
Route 280Inbound
Redland Bay, Victoria Pt, Sheldon, Garden City, Griffith Uni
26 min
Route 282Inbound
Redland Bay, Mt Cotton, Cornubia, Logan Hyperdome
27 min
Route 250Inbound
Redland Bay,Victoria Pt,Cleveland,Capalaba,Carindale
31 min
Route 250Outbound
Carindale,Capalaba,Cleveland Victoria Pt,Redland Bay

Drop-off only

41 min
SMBI ferryClockwise
All stops to Russell Island express to Redland Bay

Drop-off only

45 min
Route 250Outbound
Carindale,Capalaba,Cleveland Victoria Pt,Redland Bay

Drop-off only

45 min
Route 272Inbound
Redland Bay Marina, Vic Pt, Thornlands, Redland Hospital
46 min
Route 282Outbound
Logan Hyperdome, Cornubia, Mt Cotton, Redland Bay
49 min
Route 250Inbound
Redland Bay,Victoria Pt,Cleveland,Capalaba,Carindale
55 min
Route 272Outbound
Redland Hospital, Thornlands, Vic Pt, Redland Bay Marina

Drop-off only

56 min
SMBI ferryClockwise
All stops to Russell Island express to Redland Bay
8:40 am
SMBI ferryCounterclockwise
Russell Island all stops to Redland Bay
8:43 am
Route 280Outbound
Griffith Uni, Garden City, Sheldon, Victoria Pt, Redland Bay
58 min
SMBI ferryCounterclockwise
Russell Island all stops to Redland Bay

Drop-off only

8:50 am
SMBI ferryCounterclockwise
Russell Island all stops to Redland Bay

Drop-off only

8:54 am
Route 280Inbound
Redland Bay, Victoria Pt, Sheldon, Garden City, Griffith Uni
8:57 am
Route 250Outbound
Carindale,Capalaba,Cleveland Victoria Pt,Redland Bay

Drop-off only

8:58 am
Route 250Inbound
Redland Bay,Victoria Pt,Cleveland,Capalaba,Carindale
9:00 am
SMBI ferryClockwise
All stops to Russell Island express to Redland Bay
9:05 am
Route 282Inbound
Redland Bay, Mt Cotton, Cornubia, Logan Hyperdome
View full timetable